You've more than likely seen commercials featuring Philadelphia Eagle Donovan McNabb eating his small 1 1/2 cup portion of the selected brand of Cambell's Chunky Soup. The camera zooms in, holding his paper dixie cup sized bowl of 'filling' soup. He takes a bite, smiles, and is instantly gratified because the meager 1 1/2 cups of sustenance managed to stifle this 6' 2", 240lb quarterback's hunger. Well let me tell you folks, McNabb has obviously never heard of Man Soup. That's right, Man Soup.
Carrefour, the world's second largest retailer (under Walmart), has recently had to go through a restructuring here in Brussels. Generally this wouldn't bother me so much except that it actually means my local grocery store went out of business a few days ago and I am for the moment, left without an alternative. I think that the immediate response from most readers would be,
"So, just go to another store."
And believe me, I see your point. However, when you're on foot, carrying everything you purchase, and the closest retailer is over a mile away, it makes me a bit inclined to start telling stories like Ol' Jack LeGrand featuring tremendous trecks through snow, up hill both ways, 15 miles, frost on your mustache, ice sheets on your bald spot, carrying your stone tablet, and barefoot because they hadn't invented New Balance running shoes yet. You get the picture.
[Its times like this my Silverado would sure come in handy.]
So what happens when you get 4 hungry, fairly active, male, college students locked in their house with nothing but scraps and enough individual random left overs to leave an anorexic hungry?
The glorious combination of every particle and morsel of food a common college student would think to eat (minus taco bell). Folks, we're talking chicken, ham, bacon, beef, tortellini, onions, tap water, bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, dropped eggs, gouda, garlic, sugar (I mixed it up with the salt), milk, butter, pepper and then salt. All swilled together to form one ultimately epic dish, that I dubbed, MAN SOUP.
Now don't get too excited. I know it sounds delicious, but before you dash off to the kitchen to try and wip up your own batch, you aught to know that I left a key ingredient out. Its actually not that hard to come by and costs me less than half a euro, but I'm going to keep it to myself for now. Who knows, I might one day make a killing in a restaurant with my specialty dish as MAN SOUP. So for now, it stays secret. (Lucky for me I don't have some sketchy talking golden retriever trying sell my secret recipe every time he gets off his leash.)
What was the point of this blog other than to waste five minutes of your day and give you ample time to click on my advertisements and make me extra money? Nothing really, except to let the world know that no matter where they are, who you're with, how sunny it is, and what bill Obama is failing to pass...you are still missing out because YOU don't have Man Soup.
Enough said.
All good; all the time,
This is the kind of physique that can only be obtained after 100 years of barefooted, uphill, snow trudging.
ReplyDeleteHad to mess with Mustachio a little bit. Figured certain parts of the south land are getting a bit boring without my presence.