I thought at best I would end up with 15 or 20$ by the time this blog had run its course upon my return to the states...three months from now. I had no idea that after 3 days I would have accrued over $25!
Now in my mind this means one of two things:
1) You people really love me and have way too much free time on your hands to continually sit around and click on advertisements on my blog (not that I'm complaining though).
2) Its actually not as hard as I originally thought to earn a little revenue via web advertising. The fact that a handful of my faithful readers (which is ultimately all of you) clicks on one or two links a day is actually earning me some extra dough.
But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
As much as I'd love to think I'm going to be rolling in the Benjys before too long, in reality that probably isn't going to happen. This could just be Google's way of saying, 'Hey welcome to the world wide web kid. Take a number." These high grossing payments could be the initial kickbacks given to new recruits.
Despite my skepticism, lets just keep on left tapping those mice people.
Today I set up Google Analytics which is a nifty little web hosting tool that allows website owners to assess the traffic their site's receive. It breaks down all the user content to valuable information such as channels used to access the site, average time spent, links clicked, pages viewed, where their IP address is hosted, so on and so forth.
Its actually very interesting material; hopefully with such information I can ultimately increase the inflow of traffic to my sight thereby increasing my revenues.
Regardless, until the time comes where my site receives more hits/day than the almighty Google itself, I'm trusting in YOU to keep on being the dedicated readers I know you are! Your time is valuable to me. Literally.
Deviating momentarily from my propaganda, the CUBC student body and myself visited Brugges, Belgium today for a relaxing day trip. I'll be posting a blog on related material tomorrow so keep an eye out for it!
Wishing everyone the best.
All good; all the time,
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