I received my first package today. It was mailed on January the 8th. For those of you not near a Calendar or simply just too lazy to do the math; that's a solid 18 days, gives a whole new meaning to the term snail mail.
On my way home I was waiting for the metro line to come to my station when I noticed two Brits near by conversing. This may seem a bit odd, but when you find random English speaking persons in this country you're almost obligated to go talk to them just because its so rare. As I was talking to them a random guy walked to the same area of the platform and started giving me really weird looks. The two Brits noticed it as well and one of them whispered for me to be careful and that "he doesn't look like he likes you too much there Tom". I ended up picking up my package and heaving it a bit farther down the platform while waiting on the unusually slow train. Finally it arrived and as I was getting on I noticed that he was coming down the platform towards me so I quickly got on the train and strategically set my package in the aisle behind me while I leaned up on a hand rail. Sure enough, seconds later he came lumbering through the door (by this point I was almost certain he was gonna try to pit pocket me) and as the train started to roll, he walked past me and just as I thought, he brushed up against me trying to make it look like it was the train moving causing him to fall. Right as I felt him off balance, I spun sideways and let gravity do the rest. He tripped over the package as my weight moved away from him causing him to fall and hit the ground. He hit his nose on the ground causing it to bleed pretty good. The rest of that section of my car saw what happened and they must have figured out as I had that he was trying to pit pocket me because no one helped him and some of them even started yelling angrily at him in French (no clue what they were saying, but I'm just glad it wasn't directed at me). He got up, moved down the car holding his face and then hobbled off at the next stop. Long story short, the epic fail of the year award goes to that guy....
Many of the students in CUBC have been pick pocketed already and the locals say that its incredibly common. I'm just happy that karma got a hold of one of them.
Other than that, Monday and Tuesday were relatively routine. School work, workout, cook, clean, study. A day in the life of living in Brussels.
All good; all the time,
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