Last night marked the closing ceremony for the Spring class of 2010 Clemson University Brussels Center. With a smorgasbord of mixed emotions, we bid each, other as well as the CUBC faculty and staff farewell. Having come to appreicate Brussels and the memories gained while studying abroad, we found the ending of the semester bitter sweet. Many of us are anxious to return home but we know that deep down, in all reality we'll miss the place we've called home for the past half a year.
As I've said before, its hard to explain what study abroad is truly like. Its one of those adventures in life you actually have to partake in to really understand. You develop a newfound respect for the world outside your own little bubble, but you also begin to realize how much you truly love home.
I'm ready for my return to the states, but there is not a doubt in my mind that we will all miss Brussels very much in our own ways. I thank those that helped get us here, and I wish everyone the best.
All good; all the time,
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