Our hostel is the remake of an older hotel that was bought out, renovated (somewhat), and then put back on the market as short term apartments or rentable overnight rooms. Its nothing terrible and perfectly suitable for a group of college males on a tight budget. The building is about a five minute walk from the surf and that is by no means a hassle in my book. Just being out side, walking around in the sun and the warm air is a luxury I've hard far too little of recently.
We've spent the majority of the past two days just relaxing in the sand. Its a darker blend of sand than back home but just as fine and just as clean. Off in the distance you can see the volcanic mountains covered in lush tropical vegetation. Although ominous thunderheads linger in the distance, they've yet to interfere with our glorious take of the sun.
I'm sure you've all seen the old Bud Light commercials featuring "True American Heros". It was generally something along the lines of an extremely overweight male with skin so pale it rivaled Carrot Top. This 'American Hero' would be wearing an all too revealing speedo and the narrator would spout something similar to "If you've got it, flaunt it...and you're definitely got it." This mentality is shared and employed by a good portion of the locals as they take to the nudist sections. Trust me on this one, if you ever visit the Canaries...just steer clear of this area. In the interest of you own mental preservation, stay away.
An odd fact about the island dwellers...they do not like sea food. Let me clarify that statement. They live on an island, surrounded by tropical ocean, and choose not to eat sea food. I can't comprehend it, but was truly amazed with how difficult it was to find a sea food restaurant.
I've got to run now, but tomorrow we head back to Brussels. Regardless of our flight in the mid afternoon, I will still get in a few hours of sun light on the beach for one last time.
All good; all the time,
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